Minerals in Food

Concept Explanation

Minerals in Food


  • They perform important functions like formation of bones. They are needed in the diet in small quantities.
  • These are obtained from table salt, green vegetables and fruits. Iron, Iodine, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium are common minerals.
  • Most food items have more than one nutrient, however one particular nutrient is present in much larger quantity than others.
  •                 S.No.MineralsSourcesFunction
    1.   Iron  Green leafy vegetables, legumes, spinach, jaggery, liver, egg yolk, apple, groundnut, cerealsEssential for the formation of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Heamoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the different body cells.
    2.   CalciumMilk, cheese, eggs, green vegetables, whole grains, cereals, meatEssential for the formation and hardening of bones and teeth; plays an important role in the clotting of blood.
    3.  Phosphorus Milk, cheese, green vegetables, bajra, nuts, liver, ragi Formation of strong bones and teeth.
    4.    SodiumCommon salt, fish, meat,eggs, milkEssential for contraction if muscles and transmission of nerve impulses.
    5.  Potassium  Milk, yoghurt, oranges, potatoes, widely distributed in all foods. Essential for the contraction of muscles and transmission of nerve impulses
    6.   Iodine  Iodised salt, sea food, green leafy vegetablesEssential for the formaton of thyroxine hormone . This hormone controls physical, mental and sexual development of our body.


    Sample Questions
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